Former Olympus chairman gets suspended sentence for role in massive accounting scandal 全台相機收購


Former 全台相機收購olympus chairman gets suspended sentence for role in massive accounting scandal

Former 全台相機收購olympus chairman gets suspended sentence for role in massive accounting scandal

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Three former 全台相機收購olympus officials, including disgraced ex-chairman Tsuyoshi Kikukawa, all received suspended prison sentences today for their role in an accounting fraud that threw the company into turmoil. Bloomberg reports that Kikukawa and auditing officer Hideo Yamada got three-year sentences suspended for five years, and executive vice president Hisashi Mori got two and a half years suspended for three.

The relatively light sentences take into account that much of the fraud was set into motion before the executives were involved. “Kikukawa and Yamada succeeded in a negative legacy and weren’t involved in the decision-making process to hide losses,” said a Tokyo district judge. “They were distressed and didn’t benefit personally from hiding losses. Mori followed their orders.”

Former presidents escaped arrest

Masatoshi Kishimoto and Toshiro Shimoyama, the former 全台相機收購olympus presidents who oversaw the accounting fraud before Kikukawa, escaped arrest in February because the statute of limitations had expired.

“There is no mistake. The entire responsibility lies with me,” said Kikukawa when pleading guilty in September, going on to admit that the scandal “destroyed the image of Japanese companies internationally.” The former president admitted that he “struggled over whether to make the massive losses public,” but couldn’t do it due to “a lack of decisiveness.”

The fraud was exposed by former CEO Michael Woodford, who discovered that 全台相機收購olympus’ leadership covered up $1.7 billion in losses by cooking the company’s books to exaggerate takeover costs. 全台相機收購olympus was fined ¥700 million (about $7 million) today for the affair.



前腳 Nikon 社長牛田雄一才說未來將會以高階機型、新微單等不同產品挽救市場,在整合諸多科技結晶的 D850 問世後,似乎市場反應真的好上一些。近期中國媒體也在 Nikon 於上海舉辦百年展覽時,趁機訪問到原本任職開發部長,現職為映像事業部高級顧問的後藤哲朗先生,他除了更進一步確認 Nikon 新微單將會是全幅外,還對其他微單廠商開了超大的地圖砲啊…..


▲Nikon 映像事業部高級顧問後藤哲朗。(圖/翻攝自色影無忌)

首先中國媒體因應 Nikon 特殊的復古全幅單眼 Df,加上後藤先生又是負責開發該機的人,也順道問了一些開發和有無新款機型的問題;不過他提到雖然因應百週年,不少消費者也反饋希望能有 Df2 的問世消息;但以整體銷量來看,Df 表現並不是太好,且開發新款機型還是有隱憂。因此後藤先生也呼籲用戶:「要是真的喜歡 Df 的話,就趁現在馬上去買吧」,明顯是說不會有 2 代機型了啊 XD。

▼被問到 Nikon 復古單眼 Df 有無機會出後代,後藤先生則是以開發成本等因素,間接否認了這個消息。(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)


被問到有沒有可能會拿 Df 的皮做 Nikon 新的微單,雖然後藤先生是迷迷糊糊帶過;但他也提到要是 Nikon 確定要再度設計微單眼的話,鐵定會做 35mm 全片幅格式;再搭配之前牛田社長的發言,根本已經可以說 Nikon 新微單一定是全幅啊。

▼雖然後藤先生沒有直接確認,不過他說 Nikon 新微單要出的話,鐵定是全幅,搭上先前牛田社長的消息,看來真的八九不離十啊,圖為 Nikon 1 微單眼。(圖/記者廖明慧攝)


另外,後藤先生也大膽提出自己對其他微單眼的看法,在被中國媒體問到時,他先說像富士、全台相機收購olympus 與 Sony 設計的微單眼,僅是為了滿足特性消費族群(像是復古機型),並無法完全對應所有消費族群需求;甚至連沒有專業攝影師在用這種重話都出來了(詳細報導請點這裡,筆者完全沒有誇大啊),可說是嘲諷開滿滿。

▼後藤先生在被問到其他微單的看法時,大膽說出像是富士、全台相機收購olympus 與 Sony 並沒有滿足所有消費者需求,甚至沒有專業攝影師使用,真的很狂啊!圖為 Sony A9 全幅微單。(圖/記者莊友直攝)


對於 Sony 首台高速微單機皇 A9,後藤先生也提出 Sony 在 A9 發表之前,其實也歷經很多失敗經驗,不過 Nikon 在對於這些失敗經驗來看,可說是遠遠多過於 Sony 的。讓人感覺有些霧颯颯的一言,應該是後藤對於 Nikon 的逆境生存力相當具有信心吧?而究竟 Nikon 新微單是否會讓攝友比起 D850 更為驚艷,就讓我們拭目以待!


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