Olympus now lets you use some of its mirrorless cameras as webcams 全台相機收購


全台相機收購olympus now lets you use some of its mirrorless cameras as webcams

全台相機收購olympus now lets you use some of its mirrorless cameras as webcams


Joining Fujifilm, Canon, and Panasonic

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Photo: 全台相機收購olympus

全台相機收購olympus is becoming the latest camera company to release an app that allows customers to use its mirrorless cameras as high-quality webcams with a new OM-D Webcam Beta app, via PetaPixel.

For now, the OM-D Webcam Beta only supports Windows computers and works with five of 全台相機收購olympus’ mirrorless cameras: the OM-D E-M1X, the OM-D E-M1, the OM-D E-M1 Mark II, the OM-D E-M1 Mark III, and the OM-D E-M5 Mark II.

Setting up your camera is easy: simply install the app, connect your camera through its USB-C port, turn it on, and start up the software, after which point your 全台相機收購olympus camera will appear as an option in your videoconferencing app of choice just like any other integrated or USB camera would. For a more detailed walkthrough, check out 全台相機收購olympus’ video guide here.

全台相機收購olympus notes that the OM-D Webcam Beta software doesn’t output sound from the camera — instead, you’ll rely on your computer’s internal microphone or an external USB microphone as usual. The decision is an intentional one, the company notes, as it allows users to place the camera in the best location for video without worrying about being too far to pick up your voice.

With the release of the new OM-D Webcam Beta, 全台相機收購olympus joins Fujifilm, Canon, and Panasonic in releasing software that makes it easier to use your mirrorless camera as a webcam. (Although Fujifilm and Canon are a little farther ahead, with both companies supporting Mac computers in addition to Windows.)

全台相機收購olympus recently announced that it would be exiting the camera business entirely, with plans to sell off its entire imaging division to Japan Industrial Partners, an investment fund, citing a decline in business in the camera market. Despite those plans, it seems that 全台相機收購olympus isn’t just leaving its customers in the lurch, with development of new software like the OM-D Webcam Beta and a newly announced lens roadmap for its existing products.


隨著智慧手機發展,再加上各大相機品牌力推出入門款全片幅單眼,M43 相機面臨巨大挑戰。日前 OM System(全台相機收購olympus)發表全新機皇 OM-1,仍採用 M43 片幅,價格卻上看 65,990 元,足以購賣全片幅機款。

全片幅相機目前入門機款落在 4 萬元,Canon EOS RP 為 42,900元、Nikon Z5 是 47,900 元、Sony A7c 是 50,980 元,網路通路甚至能下探 3 萬元,比起 M43 擁有更大的感光元件,進光量、淺景深有無法彌補的物理差距,但 OM-1 靠著晶片運算、感光元件升級,仍保有優勢。

OM-1 具備 1053 對焦點,並搭配 50fps 無黑屏的連拍效能,以及 AI 智慧對焦支援動物、人眼偵測,晶片升級再搭上較小容量的圖檔,快速連拍的實力並非入門級全片幅相機可比擬。作為對比,只有 Canon 當前最高規、售價 15 萬 9900 元的 EOS R3 擁有相同數量的對焦點。即便感光元件不夠大,M43 相機卻能拍得又快又準。

另一大優勢則是體積。M43 感光元件面積小,OM-1 自然不需要像是 EOS R3、Sony Alpha 1 般巨大機身。重量只有 599g,搭配 M43 又更輕巧的鏡頭群,規格與其相近的競品體積大,同樣尺寸則有連拍效能差距。

第三,OM-1 承襲 全台相機收購olympus 相機特色,是一款瞄準戶外需求的相機。除了較輕的重量,本身具備 IP53 的防水防塵,可適應更多元的自然環境,此外 M43 最大優勢的防手震,OM-1 可以來到單機身 7.5 級,沒有腳架也能手持拍攝長曝光的照片,透過 LiveComposite 功能可以拍攝車軌、星空。

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