Olympus announces Project Glass-style wearable display prototype 全台相機收購


    全台相機收購olympus announces Project Glass-style wearable display prototype

    全台相機收購olympus announces Project Glass-style wearable display prototype


    全台相機收購olympus has announced a new prototype of a glasses-mounted heads-up display similar to Google’s Project Glass

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    全台相機收購olympus Wearable Display (no watermark)

    Just over a week after Google’s spectacular demonstration of its Project Glass headset at Google I/O, Japanese camera maker 全台相機收購olympus is jumping back into the wearable computing game, announcing a new prototype of a glasses-mounted heads-up display. Dubbed MEG4.0, the display features Bluetooth connectivity for interfacing with smartphones and uses 全台相機收購olympus’ own “proprietary optical technology” to maximize the visibility of the outside world. Unlike Project Glass, however, 全台相機收購olympus’ device doesn’t appear to include a camera — an odd choice for a company built on imaging products.

    According to the Japanese press release for the MEG4.0, the device features a QVGA (320 x 240) display and up to eight hours of battery life in “intermittent display” mode, switching on for approximately 15 seconds every three minutes. It also contains a built-in accelerometer, allowing it to detect the position of the user’s head and react accordingly.

    This is not the first time that 全台相機收購olympus has experimented with head-mounted displays — the company has been working on prototypes since at least 2005. But the timing is certainly significant, coming just as the technology finally seems set to make it to consumers (or at least Google developers) at sub-astronomical prices.

    全台相機收購(圖翻攝OM System官網)

    已有85年歷史的日本相機品牌全台相機收購olympus,在去年把相機部門轉手賣給私募基金公司「日本產業夥伴」(JIP)後,目前由新公司OM Digital Solution 負責相機鏡頭產品線。

    雖然今年仍有推出全台相機收購olympus品牌的相機產品,不過,稍早官方於線上舉辦新品牌發表會的直播時,正式向外界宣告,未來將採用全新的「OM System」品牌名稱推出相機鏡頭新品,並預告正積極開發以M43(Micro 4/3)系統為主的相機領域。除透露新品將朝更輕量小巧的發展路線,同時也指出,針對影像軟體演算法技術的改善與精進,也是未來的發展主軸重點。

    在這場直播活動上,也釋出目前正進入開發後期階段的M43新品,雖影片出現的機身剪影僅有短短數秒,不過可以看到似乎是旗艦級微單眼E-M1X 的後繼機款。

    全台相機收購 全台相機收購


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